Curriculum Resources: Drills & Games

Dear Instructors,

There are numerous drills & games that I have taught at the dojo over the years. Each focuses on different skills, and using these allow us to work technique without resorting to the same old thing every class. I realize that we each have favorite drills, and we each have drills that we would like better if only we were more familiar with them. For this reason, I am offering you this resource.

For many of the drills listed here, there will be a short video as well as a written description. The description will include the details of the drill, prerequisite knowledge that the students must have in order to complete the drill, suggested minimum rank of students to whom the drill should be taught, and teaching points (including chants) as appropriate.

Please use this as a resource, both for your own training and to increase your comfort with teaching this material. If there are drills that you would like to see added to this list, please let me know.

Domo arigato.
Kyoshi Sig
Brent H. Baker, Kyoshi
Director, Rising Sun Martial Arts


Two-Step Hip Rotation Drills

Chinen’s Five Block Kata

Chinen’s Kick-Turn-Punch Partner Drill

Chinen’s Jodan-Chudan-Gedan Partner Drill

Chinen’s Basics

Kissaki Kai Concepts Drill

Kyoshi Simmons’ Fighting Drill


Karate Chess

Rain Dance (Warm-Up Game)

Shiko Dachi Games – Hand Clap & Tug o’ War