Taught to Kyoshi Baker by Kyoshi Kent Simmons, from Bermuda.
This fighting drill was taught by Kyoshi Kent Simmons at a seminar held at the House of the Samurai in Londonderry, NH in the mid-1990’s. The drill is taught in three levels, each building on the one before it. The drill teaches students how to combine techniques into a sequence, and provides an effective sequence of offensive techniques for kumite.
Suggested Minimum Rank –
- Level I – Jukyu (Purple Belt) & Above
- Level II – Kukyu (Yellow Belt) & Above
- Level III – Hachikyu (Orange Belt) & Above
Prerequisite Knowledge – Students must already know…
- Level I
- Zenkutsu Dachi
- Kiba Dachi
- Mae Geri (Front Kick)
- Mawashi Geri (Roundhouse Kick)
- Sokuto Geri (Side Kick)
- Level II
- Seiken Tsuki (Front Punch)
- Ura Uchi (Backfist)
- Level III
- Heiko Dachi (Parallel Stance)
- Ushiro Geri (Back Kick)
Instructional Sequence
- Level I
- Start the drill in right-side fighting posture.
- Left leg Mae Geri, land in left Zenkutsu Dachi.
- Pivot the hips to the left, throw right Mawashi Geri, land in right linear Kiba Dachi.
- Slide the back foot up, throw right Sokuto Geri, land in right-side fighting posture.
- Turn around & repeat on other side. (See turning pattern in Talking Points section below.)
- Chant: Front Kick, Pivot, Round(house) Kick, Slide up, Side Kick, Turn.
- Level II
- Start the drill in right-side fighting posture.
- Left punch, followed by simultaneous right punch/left Mae Geri.
- Left punch, right punch, pivot hips, right Mawashi Geri (covering ribs with arm).
- Slide up, Sokuto Geri, land in fighting posture, right backfist to side of head, punch.
- Turn around & repeat on other side.
- Chant: Punch, Punch/Kick. Punch, Punch, Kick. Side Kick, Backfist Punch.
- Level III
- Start the drill in right-side fighting posture.
- Left punch, followed by simultaneous right punch/left Mae Geri.
- Left punch, right punch, pivot hips, right Mawashi Geri (covering ribs with arm).
- Slide up, simultaneous Sokuto Geri/backfist. Land in Heiko Dachi, facing the rear.
- Throw left Ushiro Geri. Use the rechamber to drive the pivot back to front. Land in left-side fighting posture. Left backfist to side of head, reverse punch.
- Right Mawashi Geri, land in right fighting posture, right backfist, reverse punch.
- Turn around & repeat on other side.
- Chant: Punch, Punch/Kick. Punch, Punch, Kick. Backfist/Side Kick, turn. Back Kick, turn. Backfist, punch. Round Kick, backfist punch.
Talking Points
- When doing the drill in a group, students who struggle with Levels II and III may be allowed to move back to an earlier level. This allows them to participate without the added frustration.
- When turning, follow this pattern:
- Turning front to back, step across with the front foot.
- Turning back to front, step across with the rear foot.
- When teaching Level II, it may help to have the students think of the techniques in three groups of three:
- First Count: Punch, Punch/Kick.
- Second Count: Punch, Punch, Kick.
- Third Count: Slide up/Side Kick, Backfist, Punch.
- On the Ushiro Geri of Level III, use the rechamber of the kick to help pull you around to face the front.
- When teaching the drill, do not allow students who have seen it before to get ahead of the chant, as this will confuse those new to the drill. If everyone already has the drill, there may be no need to chant.