Rank Test Weekend!

This weekend saw some great performances on the dojo floor.  Friday night was the Kyu-Rank (below Black Belt) Test.  Everyone did well; all present passed their tests.  Beth and Fran Renaud were awarded their Rokyu level (Green Belt) in a special ceremony at the end of the night.  Other kyu-rank levels will be awarded in class this week.

Saturday afternoon was the semi-annual Black Belt Test.  We had three individuals test: Zach Belisle and Evan Miller tested for the level of Joshu-Shoban (1st Degree Junior Black Belt).  Tim Cunningham is in the process of transitioning from Junior Black Belt to Adult Black Belt, and tested for the levels of Shodan, Nidan, and Sandan-ho (1st, 2nd and probationary 3rd Degree Black Belt).  All three gave impressive performances – most notably on their kata bunkai (analysis of selected forms) – and passed with flying colors.

The Black Belt promotion ceremony will be held on Saturday, April 4th, at 10am.  Families and friends are most welcome to come and be part of the celebration, as this event is open to the public.

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