Two students tested for the level of Shodan (1st Degree Black Belt) in Kobudo (traditional weapons) at the International Karate Kobudo Federation’s 31st Annual Training, July 10-12, 2015.
Shidoin Timothy Cunningham and Sempai John Cunningham were evaluated for rank on Friday evening, after a six-hour seminar. The young men were required to demonstrate eight different kata (forms), across four different weapons (bo, tunfa, sai, and nunchaku). They were then expected to perform bunkai for a kata of their choice. The term “bunkai” means “analysis” – the testing candidate is expected to study his/her kata and develop a reasonable idea of how the techniques within the form could be applied in a self-defense situation, and then demonstrate his/her analysis against a partner. For their bunkai kata, Tim selected the kata Odo no Nunchaku and John chose the kata Ko Bo.

(l-r) Sempai John Cunningham, Sensei Amelia Gallup, Shidoin Timothy Cunningham at the IKKF Annual Training Banquet. Tim and John are holding their Shodan rank certificates.
On Saturday evening, at the Annual Banquet, Tim and John were promoted to the level of Shodan by Hanshi C. Bruce Heilman, the president of the IKKF. They received their official rank certificates and a patch for their Black Belts to indicate their status in Kobudo.
Both Tim and John have been leaders in our dojo, often teaching on both karate and kobudo. They are both athletes, honor-roll students, and excellent role models for the lower ranks. We are very proud of them both!
Congratulations, Tim and John!!