

Mesubi Dachi Attention Stance


Migi Sanchin Dachi Three Battle Stance, Right Side
Age Uke Rising (Upper) Block
Yoko Uke Middle Block
Joge Uke Middle-Lower Block
Migi Shiko Dachi Lower Stance, Right Side
Gedan Barai Downward Striking Block
Haraiotoshi Uke Downward Sweeping Block


Hidari Sanchin Dachi Three Battle Stance, Left Side
Seiken Tsuki Front Punch
Ura Ken 1st Backfist
Ura Uchi 2nd Backfist
Hara Uchi 3rd Backfist
Fura Uchi Swing Strike
Shuto Uchi Knife Hand Strike
Hidari Shiko Dachi Lower Stance, Left Side
Shita Tsuki  (Ura Ken Tsuki) Short Punch
Tate Ken Tsuki Vertical Fist Punch


Heiko Dachi Parallel Stance
Kogen (Kin) Geri Instep Kick
Mae Geri Front Thrust Kick
Mawashi Geri Roundhouse Kick
Kansetsu Geri Knee Joint Kick
Sokuto Geri Side Thrust Kick
Yoko Geri Side Kick
Ushiro Geri Back Kick

Noalte – Return to Mesubi Dachi.  Used between the different parts of Kihon, as well as at the end of the exercise.