“Attack and Destroy #2” or “Defend and Destroy #2”
This kata was also developed by O-Sensei Chojun Miyagi. Both Gekisai Dai Ichi and Gekisai Dai Ni were developed after WWII. The understanding that has been passed down is that these were meant to keep the young men interested, as they would otherwise have only Kata Sanchin to work for years. These kata also have a strong connection to Goju Kihon (Basics), and are generally categorized as Kihon Kata (Basic Forms).
Sequence of Techniques
N – Yoi Dachi
W – Hidari Sanchin Dachi, Hidari Age Uke
W – Migi Zenkutsu Dachi, Jodan Seiken Tsuki
W – (bkwd.) Linear Shiko Dachi, Haraiotoshi Uke
E – Pivot 180 degrees to Migi Sanchin Dachi, Age Uke
E – Hidari Zenkutsu Dachi, Jodan Seiken Tsuki
E – (bkwd.) Linear Shiko Dachi, Haraiotoshi Uke
N – Hidari Sanchin Dachi, Yoko Uke (slow w/tension)
N – Migi Sanchin Dachi, Yoko Uke (slow w/tension)
N – Mae Geri, Hidari Zenkutsu Dachi, Hiji Ate, Kiai, Ura Ken, Tetsui, Gyaku Tsuki
E – Heiko Dachi, Shuto Uchi
S – Hidari Sanchin Dachi, Kake Uke (slow w/tension)
S – Migi Sanchin Dachi, Kake Uke (inhale)
S – (bkwd.) Hidari Sanchin Dachi, Kake Uke (exhale)
S – Mae Geri, Hidari Zenkutsu Dachi, Hiji Ate, Kiai, Ura Ken, Tetsui, Gyaku Tsuki
E – Heiko Dachi, Shuto
NE – (bkwd.) Migi Neko Ashi Dachi, Mawashi Uke
NW – (bkwd.) Hidari Neko Ashi Dachi, Mawashi Uke, Pivot 45 degrees to North
N – Noalte.