“Attack and Destroy #1” or “Defend and Destroy #1”
This kata was developed by O-Sensei Chojun Miyagi. It is the only Goju kata that steps forward on the noalte (at the end). According to Teruo Chinen Sensei, Miyagi Sensei developed this kata shortly after WWII. Apparently, he had not realized that the kata ended offensively (rather than defensively giving ground). When asked about this by his students, O-Sensei replied that his mind must still have been in the war, which caused the kata to end in Zenkutsu Dachi (an attacking stance), from which one would noalte stepping forward.
Sequence of Techniques
N – Yoi dachi
W – Hidari Sanchin Dachi, Hidari Age Uke
W – Migi Zenkutsu Dachi, Jodan Seiken Tsuki
W – (bkwd.) Linear Shiko Dachi, Haraiotoshi Uke
E – Pivot 180 degrees to Migi Sanchin Dachi, Age Uke
E – Hidari Zenkutsu Dachi, Jodan Seiken Tsuki
E – (bkwd.) Linear Shiko Dachi, Haraiotoshi Uke
N – Hidari Sanchin Dachi, Yoko Uke (slow w/tension)
N – Migi Sanchin Dachi, Yoko Uke (slow w/tension)
N – Mae Geri, Hidari Zenkutsu Dachi, Hiji Ate, Ura Ken, Tetsui, Gyaku Tsuki, Kiai
E – Heiko Dachi, Shuto Uchi
S – Hidari Sanchin Dachi, Yoko Uke (slow w/tension)
S – Mae Geri, Hidari Zenkutsu Dachi, Hiji Ate, Ura Ken, Tetsui, Gyaku Tsuki, Kiai
E – Heiko Dachi, Shuto
N – (bkwd.) Migi Zenkutsu Dachi, Heiko Tsuki (left hand on top)
N – (fwd.) Heiko Dachi, modified Mawashi Uke
N – (bkwd.) Hidari Zenkutsu Dachi, Heiko Tsuki (right hand on top)
N – Noalte.