Junior Black Belt Archive

This page contains the list of all Adult Black Belt promotions at our dojo, in chronological order.  Names in bold print indicate an individual’s initial Black Belt promotion.  Ranks in bold print indicate the highest level attained at our dojo.

Junior Grade Black Belts
Dana Q. Stetson Joshu-Shoban (1st Lvl.) 4/15/2001
Dana Q. Stetson Joshu-Niban (2nd Lvl.) 8/25/2001
Kevin McManus Joshu-Shoban (1st Lvl.) 1/26/2002
Erik Wirkkala Joshu-Shoban (1st Lvl.) 1/26/2002
Dana Q. Stetson Joshu-Sanban (3rd Lvl.) 3/24/2002
Kevin McManus Joshu-Niban (2nd Lvl.) 1/25/2003
Erik Wirkkala Joshu-Niban (2nd Lvl.) 1/25/2003
Jessica R. Potter Joshu-Shoban (1st Lvl.) 1/25/2003
Brody M. Scalabrin Joshu-Shoban (1st Lvl.) 1/25/2003
Kevin McManus Joshu-Sanban (3rd Lvl.) 3/13/2004
Erik Wirkkala Joshu-Sanban (3rd Lvl.) 3/13/2004
Brody M. Scalabrin Joshu-Niban (2nd Lvl.) 3/13/2004
Amelia M. Gallup Joshu-Shoban (1st Lvl.) 3/26/2005
Jacob Minne Joshu-Shoban (1st Lvl.) 3/26/2005
Abraham Shklar Joshu-Shoban (1st Lvl.) 3/26/2005
Andrian A. V.  Baker Joshu-Shoban (1st Lvl.) 9/24/2005
Amelia M. Gallup Joshu-Niban (2nd Lvl.) 4/1/2006
Jacob Minne Joshu-Niban (2nd Lvl.) 4/1/2006
Abraham Shklar Joshu-Niban (2nd Lvl.) 4/1/2006
Cathryn L. Gallione Joshu-Shoban (1st Lvl.) 4/1/2006
Andrian A. V.  Baker Joshu-Niban (2nd Lvl.) 9/30/2006
Thomas Griffin Joshu-Shoban (1st Lvl.) 9/30/2006
Abraham Shklar Joshu-Sanban  (3rd Lvl.) 3/31/2007
Cathryn L. Gallione Joshu-Niban (2nd Lvl.) 3/31/2007
Andrian A. V.  Baker Joshu-Sanban (3rd Lvl.) 4/5/2008
Lacey Coté Joshu-Shoban (1st Lvl.) 4/5/2008
Cathryn L. Gallione Joshu-Sanban (3rd Lvl.) 9/27/2008
Caroline E. Foy Joshu-Shoban (1st Lvl.) 9/27/2008
Douglas R. Foy Joshu-Shoban (1st Lvl.) 9/27/2008
Tyler A. Currier Joshu-Shoban (1st Lvl.) 4/4/2009
Nicholas A. J. Eagan Joshu-Shoban (1st Lvl.) 4/4/2009
Andrian A. V.  Baker Joshu-Yonban (4th Lvl.) 9/26/2009
Cathryn L. Gallione Joshu-Yonban (4th Lvl.) 9/26/2009
Amelia M. Gallup Joshu-Sanban (3rd Lvl.) 9/26/2009
Timothy M. Cunningham Joshu-Shoban (1st Lvl.) 9/26/2009
Tyler A. Currier Joshu-Niban (2nd Lvl.) 4/3/2010
Nicholas A. J. Eagan Joshu-Niban (2nd Lvl.) 4/3/2010
Catherine E. Clayton Joshu-Shoban (1st Lvl.) 4/3/2010
John R. Cunningham Joshu-Shoban (1st Lvl.) 4/3/2010
Timothy M. Cunningham Joshu-Niban (2nd Lvl.) 9/25/2010
Griffin J. LaBrie Joshu-Shoban (1st Lvl.) 9/25/2010
Cathryn L. Gallione Joshu-Goban (5th Lvl.) 4/2/2011
John R. Cunningham Joshu-Niban (2nd Lvl.) 4/2/2011
Catherine E. Clayton Joshu-Niban (2nd Lvl.) 4/2/2011
Olivier Prinsen-Balu Joshu-Shoban (1st Lvl.) 4/2/2011
Logan Hurst Joshu-Shoban (1st Lvl.) 4/2/2011
Timothy M. Cunningham Joshu-Sanban (3rd Lvl.) 9/24/2011
Tyler A. Currier Joshu-Sanban (3rd Lvl.) 9/24/2011
Griffin J. LaBrie Joshu-Niban (2nd Lvl.) 9/24/2011
Nicholas A. St. Laurent Joshu-Shoban (1st Lvl.) 9/24/2011
Cathryn L. Gallione Joshu-Rokuban (6th Lvl.) 3/31/2012
John R. Cunningham Joshu-Sanban (3rd Lvl.) 3/31/2012
Griffin J. LaBrie Joshu-Sanban (3rd Lvl.) 10/6/2012
Abigail Brow Joshu-Shoban (1st Lvl.) 10/6/2012
John R. Cunningham Joshu-Yonban (4th Lvl.) 10/12/2013
Timothy M. Cunningham Joshu-Yonban (4th Lvl.) 10/12/2013
Isaiah Stephens Joshu-Shoban (1st Lvl.) 10/12/2013
John R. Cunningham Joshu-Goban (5th Lvl.) 10/11/2014
Griffin J. LaBrie Joshu-Yonban (4th Lvl.) 10/11/2014
Zachary C. Belisle Joshu-Shoban (1st Lvl.) 4/4/2015
Evan B. Miller Joshu-Shoban (1st Lvl.) 4/4/2015
Griffin J. LaBrie Joshu-Goban (5th Lvl.) 10/17/2015
Calla A. Baker Joshu-Shoban (1st Lvl.) 10/17/2015
Evan B. Miller Joshu-Niban (2nd Lvl.) 4/2/2016
George J. Dube Joshu-Shoban (1st Lvl.) 4/2/2016
Calla A. Baker Joshu-Niban (2nd Lvl.) 10/15/2016
Evan B. Miller Joshu-Sanban (3rd Lvl.) 4/1/2017
George J. Dube Joshu-Niban (2nd Lvl.) 4/1/2017
Evan B. Miller Joshu-Yonban (4th Lvl.) 4/7/2018
Calla A. Baker Joshu-Sanban (3rd Lvl.) 4/7/2018
Walter Antal Joshu-Shoban (1st Lvl.) 4/7/2018
Lilija Coleman Joshu-Shoban (1st Lvl.) 4/7/2018
Brandon Dombroski Joshu-Shoban (1st Lvl.) 4/7/2018
Kendra Hurd Joshu-Shoban (1st Lvl.) 4/7/2018

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